"Get your copy of the
UTI Report today!"
"All the information you have sent me has been very useful. Since
reading your report I have had no attacks of cystitus.
Thanking you, Barbara Davies"
[email protected]
"Words can't describe how fast and effective your natural treatments
worked for my girlfriend! Within minutes she felt relief and
whenever she feels the symptoms returning she takes one to two of
the 12 hour groups and feels better again. Prior to your help her
doctor kept her on antibiotics with no relief and constant
reoccurring pain and side effects.
Thank you so much for being there for her and so many other women
who share this painful problem. Your e-books are so easy and fast to
get it's amazing."
Boca Raton, FL
[email protected]
thought it would be hocus pocus and I would probably have to get my
money back but it worked. I was amazed at the outcome. I hate
antibiotics so I tried your program out of last resort desperation.
Downers Grove, Illinois
I've suffered from UTI's for about 14 years. I've had them about 3
dozen times. THANK YOU for your remedy. I have learned a lot about
gaining control of UTI's. This report contained a lot more
information in one place than I have ever seen anywhere. I keep it
on hand and always watch my diet, especially if I feel any twinge of
a UTI. As with any health "issue" we must all take control by trying
to maintain out GOOD health and AVOIDING the infections in the first
place. And your report is the perfect thing to do this!! So if
you're reading this and just want the best infor-mation out there
about UTI's, download this report!! You may still need some
antibiotics this time, but this could be the last time! Learn how
now (or when you get back from the doctor and pharmacy) how to NOT
have to go again.
Beth Simionescu
Lapeer, MI
[email protected]
"I was very skeptical, but desperate, when I downloaded the UTI
report. I did not want to go on anti-biotics for this recurring
problem. My diet is a very good one, no sugar, caffiene, etc., so
the diet portion of the book did not apply, HOWEVER, the information
about certain herbs absolutely changed my life!!! I use two herbs
every single day to maintain a good balance of urinary tract health.
I appreciate the information you gave, and even made some parsley
tea! Whatever it was that I did utilizing the info you gave
absolutely helped me enor-mously. As I said, I was extremely
skeptical since I felt I was very knowledgeable about UTI's before.
Now I know there is always something new to learn that can help
enor-mously. I also want to say that when I went to Whole Foods to
get the herbs, etc., the workers there all confirmed what you had
shared. Thank you.
Harriette Knight
Valencia, CA
@comcast.net |
Steps a Woman Can Take to Avoid an Infection:
1. Drink
plenty of water every day.
2. Urinate
when you feel the need; don't resist the urge to
3. Wipe from
front to back to prevent bacteria around the
anus from entering the vagina or urethra.
4. Take
showers instead of tub baths.
5. Cleanse
the genital area before sexual intercourse.
6. Avoid
using feminine hygiene sprays and scented
douches, which may irritate the urethra. |
Customer Support - Testimonials -
Here are just a few customer
we've received:
"I thought my husband was
crazy, until my fever broke...
was sick for three weeks with a
severe UTI. I had seen the doctor
three times in those three weeks. I
was having no luck on the first
antibotics. Then went to 500mg of
Cipro twice a day. My bacteria count
went down to zero including the good
bacteria were gone. I felt no
better. Still had a fever between
99.6 to 101.0 depending on the time
of day. I called the doctor to see
what next, and they could get me in
for a ultrasound of my bladder three
weeks laters. I asked why so long,
at this time I had a fever of 101.0
and felt miserable. That was the
first appointment they had open. My
husband being the great guy he is
was a bit upset by this. My self, I
was just trying to stay awake.
He decided to look to the internet
for advice of what we could do at
home to help me. When he said he was
going to purchase a 12hour home
remedy off the internet I thought he
was crazy to pay for a home remedy.
Isn't this information just
available, it sounds like common
sense. He printed it off and went
shopping to get all the ingredients.
After three hours of doing the the
remedy I started sweating alot.
My fever had broke after three
weeks!!!! I felt good enough to do
the hour 4 by myself. I finished all
the steps and they weren't to bad.
Feeling great today. I'm stilling
waiting to go in for my ultrasound
of the bladder, to tell them of my
home remedy. Thanks for caring so
much. God gave us all that we need
to take care of ourselves. You have
been able to show this well.

Amy Anderson
Kasson, MN |
"The Whole Experience was
Extremely Easy!
you to Barton Publishing for giving
people an alternative to regular
treatments of antibiotics.
Suffering from UTI's occasionaly for
several years, I was very pleased to
be able to improve my condition
without prescriptions medications
for once. The process did really
Ordering, downloading the reports
and the whole experience was
extremely easy!
Keep up the great job!
Diane T.
Baton Rouge, LA |
loved it! What did I love about it?
Well, I've had about 5 bladder
infections within the past year and
have been on antibiotics & pyridium
every time. I hate taking any kind
of prescriptions unless absolutely
necessary. I found your info. and
yes out of desperation bought it
It WORKS! I can't believe it but it
really does and now I'm going to go
get those strips that tell you about
the acidity of your system so that
if I start to get to much acid in my
system I know what to do to
alleviate it and not get another
bladder infection. I'm so excited
about my new found cure. Diana
Diana L.
Thousand Oaks, CA |
"30 Year's of UTI's Now Under
have suffered with UTI for 30 years.
Have tried every such cure on the
market. Sure I'm skeptical, but I am
willing to give it ago. So far so
good, I have been able to control
things through some of your
management techniques. Here's
Leony W.
Glen Innes, Australia |
"From Cloudy to Clear...
was really helped by the treatment.
I checked my urine and it was very
cloudy. After the treatment it was
completely clear. I have suffered
from numerous UTI's and i hope never
again if I follow your dirrections.
Thank you very much.
Betty G.
Bronson, FL |
"Fully Armed for Future
I got bladder infection after a
cystocele, rectocele repair
operation. I had NEVER had one
before. When I downloaded your
report, I was on antibiotics which
knocked the infection. However, I
hate antibiotics, and wanted a more
natural way to wipe out any future
UTI. I have studied the book, and
feel fully armed now for any future
infections. Thank you, Marilyn

Marilyn W.
North Webster, IN |
is a miracle, thank you thank you. I
have read and followed one of the
first simple steps and had instant
relief from the dreaded initial sign
"burning", which literally worked in
the first hour. I also had no idea
how much alcohol played a part in
instigating this dreaded problem.
Jeniffer Killian
Wellington, New Zealand |
"I started getting results by the
third hour!!!!
had my first UTI in December! Got a
prescription and it cleared up
within a week. Then I got it again 3
weeks later! Got the same
prescription, and I noticed no
change within 3-4 days of taking the
antibiotic. In fact, the symptoms
seemed to get worse!
What made the urgency for this to
clear up was that I was scheduled to
go on a 7 day cruise in 3 days!
AHHHHHH!! I was beside myself!!!
Desperate to say the least! Came
across your website, and to be
honest it was sheer desperation that
made me purchase the report.
I was in such need of relief, I
started your step by step plan at
6:00 in the evening. Don't you know,
I started getting results by the
third hour!!!! And I knew I wasn't
crazy because I tested my urine
ph level (using ph strips) before I
started the regimen. The acidity
of my urine when I first started was
at dangerous levels---but by the
third hour when I first started to
feel a change---I tested my ph again
and it was in the normal range.
It was a breeze from that point
forward! Like you promised, I was
totally UTI free within the 12 hour
period, and was relaxed and
ready to prepare and pack for what
was a wonderful cruise!
Thank you a thousand times over! IT
was worth EVERY penny!! Believe me!
I would have paid hundreds of
dollars for relief at that point and
on top of that to ensure that the
vacation that I paid thousands of
dollars for was not totally ruined
by UTI pain and discomfort!

A. M. Howard |
"I got relief quicker than I've ever
seem to suffer from uti's at least
3-4 times a year for as long as I
remember. As a child, I had bladder
infections and my pediatrician even
performed a procedure in which they
stretched my urethra(?) It may not
seem to be a lot but let me tell you
when I get them, they come on fast
and furious.
I was truly amazed that I got relief
from my uti and not need an
antibiotic. I got relief quicker
than I've ever gotten with an
antibiotic. (I usually had to use an
additional over the counter product
to help with the pain of a uti)I
have to say that I was not sure what
to expect. But I was at my wits end
with a uti and I happened along your
This report was so worth the
money spent. In the long run it's a
lot less expensive than trying to
get to the doctor's office, pharmacy
I also appreciated the information
on how your diet can make the
difference as well as natural herbs
etc that fight uti's.
Thank you soo much for this report.
It was nice that I was able to
download the information so quickly
as well. You have a great product.
I would recommend this report to
others definitely!
Debbie |
"Can't say enough about your "home"-eopathic
remedies. They would be a bargain at
double the price...
Barton, Didn't try any remedies
prior to your 12-hour regimen.
Didn't know I had a problem stemming
from a UTI until my urine began
smelling like a cadaver. Once this
happened and since I distrust the
side effects of ANY drug sanctioned
by the compromised FDA, I
immediately sought a natural remedy.
My wife and I performed your 12-hour
cleanse together. I had been getting
up as many as 4 times throughout the
night to urinate. Within 2 nights
of completing your cleansing routine
I now sleep straight through every
night, my energy level is higher and
my urine stream no longer feels
I had also had some (slight) aching
in my right kidney. Used your
cleansing recipe for this organ also
and have experienced no ache of any
kind since.
Can't say enough about your "home"-eopathic
remedies. They would be a bargain at
double the price.
Thanks for everything.
Jim Cook, Southern California
"I am so happy that I now have this
natural resource to use whenever I
need it...
was having severe "bone-chilling"
pain and burning upon urination to
the point of feeling like I was
going to pass out from simply using
the restroom.
I have had UTIs on and off for many
years--3 in the past year.
I now have no insurance and am quite
frankly tired of being given the
lecture on how to avoid these. I
have done all that to the best of my
ability, but still suffer.
I bought the UTI report not
expecting any result, but the money
back guarantee was hard to pass up.
After following the report for
only a few hours the pain started to
subside, and I was almost completely
pain-free after I completed the
I did use it again a few days later
to completely clear up the
infection, and have had no
problems from UTIs since.
I am so happy that I now have this
natural resource to use whenever I
need it.
Denise Tillery
"...and the UTI was gone...
purchased the UTI Report for a
cousin in Canada. Her daughter had a
UTI that drugs didn't help even
after several cultures and different
When she came home for the holidays,
they started the regimen - not
without a lot of protest.
I asked if it worked the next day. I
got a begrudging "Yes Mom" implying
her mother and I had ganged up on
her :-) ... and the UTI was
gone. That "yes" though was like
the heavens opening up.
the UTI had been anything less than
totally gone, she would have spewed
forth a river :-)
Brooksville, Florida
burning sensation
was gone!
bought your report because I have
tried everything to find a cure for
my Urinary Tract Infections and
nothing seemed to help.
I had constant lower abdomen pain,
burning sensations, and had blood in
my urine as I went to the washroom.
I started reading the report and put
your remedy to use. After around 10
hours I felt amazing
I went to the washroom 3 times and
after the 3rd time the burning
was gone! 4 days
later I have changed a few things in
my diet and I am still
Urinary Tract Infection
I am thankful for finding your
Best Wishes

Christy, Manhattan, New York
have saved my life...
I can enjoy Thanksgiving with my
family, who lives 2 1/2 hours from
my home, without looking for a
restroom enroute.
I am 78 years old, and I only have
to get up at night once to use the
bathroom now.
You have saved my life.
Clare Wiencek
"My Doctor... couldn't believe that
I cured my UTI so fast without any
am very happy with this purchase!
I was in a lot of pain and it was a
Friday afternoon, I called and left
a message for my doctor to call me
back, but I would have to wait until
When you’re in pain you search
everything to try and find relief. I
went out and purchased this Friday
I started feeling pretty
good about the 9th hour into it.
I had a lot of skeptics asking me if
I was doing some sort of weird
voodoo magic. I feel so much better
and I didn't have to wait until
Monday for a solution.
When my doctor called me
back I said I was all better and
told them what I took, he couldn't
believe that I had cured and got rid
of my Urinary Tract Infection so
fast without any medication.
Thank you so much!
Renee Thornton
"It was
followed the remedy from the UTI
Report, and let me tell you... It
was easy!
started to feel better after a few
The pain was completely gone after
24 hours.
did wonders for me.
Marcel B.,
Sudbury, Ontario
OK, let's summarize all of the benefits you'll
receive when you buy your copy of the Urinary
Tract Infection Report:
Click Here to try a natural remedy that will
cure your UTI in less than 12 hours, guaranteed.
Join thousands who've used our report to get rid
of antibiotics and get healthy naturally,
without any pain or side effects.
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